Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Elderflower cordial

Due to our amazing recent weather the elderflower bushes are just laden down with full, bright boughs of elderflower. 
Grab a basket, scissors and go get them. Try to stay away from busy roads and pick the blooms that are newly opened and pure creamy white. 
If your not completely sure bring a pic of elder flowers with you but once you smell them you'll know, they smell slightly of muscat. Then cook up within the day so you get them at their freshness. 
It is gorgeous with sparkling water, crushed ice slushies and for the grown ups glugged over vodka and ice.

25-30 heads of elderflower
1.5kg granulated sugar
3 large lemons I use 2 lemons and 1 pink grapefruit
75g citric acid (you'll get this in chemists)

Put the sugar and 1.5 litres into a large saucepan and very gently bring to the boil stirring gently to help dissolve the sugar.
With a vegetable peeler take strips off the citrus fruit and remove some of the white pith from the fruit. Slice into 1/2 cm slices and put into a large bowl with the elderflower heads.
When the sugar syrup has come to the boil pour over the elderflower and citrus and stir in the citric acid.
Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a cool place for 3-4 days, give it a stir once a day.
Strain the cordial through a muslin lined sieve and pour into sterilised bottles and seal.
This can be frozen but it will last in the fridge for 5 weeks. 

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